Social Impact
Everything we do has an impact on the communities we live in. This is why we act within the different communities where we operate, committing ourselves to the creation of a local and inclusive economy.
People at the centre.
Our teams within the different brands are the key figures to the puzzle. Employees, partners, collaborators and clients are all equally important.
One of our priorities is to be able to offer work all year round with the aim of contributing towards reducing the seasonality and fostering a more stable and stronger local economy.
Charities we collaborate with.
Proyecto Juntos/Descanso del Guerrero / Fundación Rana/ Caritas / Educa Clown / Amics de la infancia / Fundación Nazaret /Joy Ron Foundation / Piel de Mariposa / Estimal’s Bendinat / Open Arms / Comidas Solidarias / La Voz que nadie quiere escuchar/ Cruz Roja / Fundación Deixalles / Fundación Asperger/ ...