Award for the Most Innovative Hotel Group.
OD Hotels was recognized this Wednesday with the “Balearic Islands Tourism Award for Tourism Innovation” during the Nit del Turisme 2024, held at the Sant Diego Convent in Alaior, Menorca.
The event, organized by the Balearic Islands Tourism Strategy Agency (Aetib), presented a total of 19 awards, including one to Marc Rahola, owner and CEO of OD Hotels, for his outstanding work in the modernization and renewal of the hotel offering in Ibiza, where the group operates three establishments: Ocean Drive Ibiza, Ocean Drive Talamanca, and Can Jaume by Ocean Drive. The group has developed a new concept of hospitality with its own unique identity, focused on sustainability and the recovery of degraded environments, revitalizing unused buildings and integrating art as a key differentiator in each of its projects.
El acto contó con la presencia de la presidenta del Govern, Marga Prohens, el conseller de Turismo, Cultura y Deportes, Jaume Bauzá, y el presidente del Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, entre otras personalidades.